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Building Automation Systems Streamline Your Florida Business


Room Scheduling Software Makes Your Employees More Productive

An automated smart control system lets business owners monitor and manage a variety of functions in their office suite, warehouse, or other types of commercial endeavors. From HVAC to lighting, security to room scheduling, AV Specialists works with Crestron to integrate all of these functions into one easy to operate building automation system. Whether you prefer touch panel or smart device operation, or even a remote control, you and your employees can become more efficient during the workday with the tap of a button.

Your conference rooms serve as the hub of brainstorming and collaboration in your business. Every employee is vying for a time slot to reserve the room, but currently, there’s no system in place to schedule reservations or show if or when a room is in use. Help your employees easily connect and collaborate with one another by integrating room scheduling solution into your existing building automation system.

Keep reading this month’s blog to learn how this building automation solution can increase the productivity of your employees and Tampa, FL-area business.

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The powerful Crestron and Evoko scheduling platforms are operable by employees with a touch screen located outside of the conference room, via the room scheduling smart device app, or from their desktops. Meeting room information is displayed, allowing staff to see not only if the room is booked but also for how long. You can even customize the user interface, choosing to add your company logo, unique backgrounds and color schemes that match your branding and company décor. It’s up to you!

Sync with Your Existing Systems

In two taps, any employee can reserve the room and it will directly connect to the most popular calendaring platforms — Microsoft Exchange, Office, and the Google G Suite. Crestron’s open software architecture allows you to run native Crestron software or your own application, such as Zoom or Space Connect. If a team is on their way to the room but forgot the check their calendaring software first, no problem. Wall or ceiling mounted room availability indicators are available, showing as green when available or red when unavailable.


In addition to room scheduling tools, an Evoko or Crestron room scheduling platform also offers wireless presentation options. Crestron even offers digital signage solutions in all the places employees meet. All that’s required is a display for showcasing the solution.

Meeting spaces have evolved, and if you don’t have a dedicated four-wall enclosure but have flexible seating and collaboration areas available, you can still use room scheduling solutions. Integrate an occupancy sensor into any area with a wall or ceiling mounted availability indicator and presto—employees can easily see if areas are available for a quick group meeting.

If you’re interested in upgrading your existing conference room scheduling solution to a more integrated and easier to manage system, contact AV Specialists today. We’d be happy to offer a no-obligation consultation to your Tampa, FL-area business. Contact us online, chat with us below, or call us today at (727) 441-9292. We look forward to serving you.

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