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Here’s What You Need for Better Video Conferencing at Home


Your Office Setup and Network Can Make or Break Your Work-from-Home Experience

Much of America’s workforce is experiencing a great shift toward remote work. With this shift comes many positives: better work-life balance, no more long commutes, and reduced work-related expenses for both employees and employers, just to name a few.

But to work productively from your Tampa, FL home, you’ll need more than a laptop and a couch. Along with an ergonomic home office setup and ample lighting, you’ll need a bulletproof wireless home network to keep you connected when performing data-heavy tasks, like video conferencing and wi-fi work calls.

If you’re shifting to at-home work, make sure you have the following solutions to be successful!

What Components Make for a Strong Video Conferencing System?


We outline the two equipment secrets that can boost your boardroom instantly

As you hold important meetings about your industry, we’re sure you host at least some video conferences. No matter which vertical you spend your weekdays innovating, AV Specialists has an inside look on some overlooked elements that will vastly improve your success before the next quarter.

Much of your business success starts in the conference room. Every Tampa, FL, boardroom needs efficient and high-performance video conferencing to impress stakeholders and employees and drive the results and revenue your business needs.
