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Video Conferencing Provides Measurable ROI


video conferencing system is a major investment for any business, but if it's done correctly, it will result in considerable ROI for years to come. If your company relies on live meetings and conference calls to sell your product, engage with customers, or manage remote employees, a video conferencing system can save you thousands of dollars in travel expense while also improving the ways that you communicate.

More Engaged Prospects and Customers

If conference calls are your primary meeting format, consider the addition of video and interactive presentations, which dramatically increase participant engagement and understanding.

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text (sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco)? With a video conferencing system it’s easier to get everyone involved because participants will be able to see and hear information, and the visual is more than a flat PowerPoint presentation. This means that participants are more likely to listen closely and absorb information completely when meetings include both visual and audio components.

Increased Sales in Less Time

If your sales team primarily holds face-to-face meetings the prospects, a video conferencing system will increase the number of meetings they can schedule with potential customers, which means increasing your number of closed deals. It also decreases the cost of pursuing a sale by eliminating travel time and expenses, and provides the ability to schedule follow up meetings faster, resulting in a shortened sales cycle.

Give Remote Employees Accountability and Input

Business are increasingly hiring remote employees who work virtually for the majority of their work week. These employees can have important roles in the company, but it’s easy for onsite and remote employees to eventually become disconnected since they rarely get to interact face-to-face with one another.

video conferencing system also lets you host regular employee meetings with onsite and remote workers. This engagement will bring teams closer together, and encourage employees to collaborate regularly. It also gives remote employees a forum to share their ideas and input and see the individual reactions of their team members, eliminating those awkward silences that sometimes occur during conference calls.

Planning a system around your business needs

Before you invest in a video conferencing system, make sure that you choose an experienced AV specialist to help you identify the right technology and install it correctly. In addition, the specialist that you choose should understand your needs, and help you compare the cost of specific components to the benefits for your company.

Take a moment to think about how a video conferencing system can save your company time and money. Also consider what aspects of your business, such as prospect and customer experience, would be improved by a video conferencing system. If you've chosen correctly, you will find that a properly designed and installed video conferencing system will quickly deliver return on investment.

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